You must have heard people saying that see the world the way it is but the reality is we don’t see the world the way it is but we see it the way we are.

We always have our perception of the world based on our individual experiences which create our world or one can call it the foundation of one’s world.

There is no reality but everyone’s perception is the reality of them.

No one is right and no one is wrong. Okay let me keep my point in a different way if you ask 10 people, what is sunrise for them or which feeling they associate with the sunrise, you will have diversified answers and every answer is right based on the different experiences.

The point here is when you see the happy, progressive world that is the clear indication of your beautiful and healthy internal map and if one sees the world black, with no hopes, no opportunities then take it as an alarming signal and work towards your internal map rather then surrendering to the situations or different events.

There is no wrong if you go for outside help to reshape your internal world which will bring happiness, progress, and success to your life.

Always remember one simple universal law which is energy flows where your focus is.

I am here to help you to become your best self the best version of your life because the best of you is yet to come and God/Universe/Higher power has beautiful plans for you and your journey is designed on this planet for some purpose…


  1. This is very insightful and very helpful reminders. We all perceive the world differently. If there’s turmoil in one’s reality, does that mean it’s the same in their inner world? How would one solve this?

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    We ARE Raised to Tell The Truth or ELSE!!! while watching ‘Grown Ups’ Lie to Each Other; so it would seem that there is MORE!!! than just a Whiff of HYPOCRISY!!! Here, as There ARE a Wide Range of Lies such as:

    β™‘ Starting with The White Lie
    ♀ Then EveryThing In Between like The Lie to Avoid Punishment or Losing Out
    ♧ Clubbing – The, Planned, Ruthless Gainful Lie Exclusively for Personal Gain at The Expense of EveryOne Else – Clubbing

    …it’s the ThoughtLess Conditioning by Parents and Other Authority During UpBringing that Creates Liars plus Our PAM (Perception Attitude MindSet) and Our Deliberate Attempts to ‘Corrupt’ Others into Being Liars a POV (Point Of View) that was Rained Upon Us as Children; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that ‘Grown Ups’ Have One Heck of a Lot to Answer For…so I THINK!!! Being in Solitude Works because then YOU!!! Only Have YOURSELF!!! to Lie to; ergo Truth and Lies ARE Merely a Matter of Perspective Brought On By Our Desperate Desire to Mingle with Others and Be Approved Of

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🀭🀫🀐



    β—‡ – Diamond Hard – β—‡

    β—‡ This is ALL a Matter of Subjectivity Being PAM (Perception Attitude MindSet) EveryOne in My View; ergo, YOUR!!! Truth is My Lie and My Truth is YOUR!!! Lie…pΓ s problΓ¨m tout lΓ¨ mondΓ¨; provided We ARE True To OurSelves and NOT!!! Lying to OurSelves especially when THINGS!!! Change as The Only Constant is Change

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🀭🀫🀐

    β—‡ – Diamond Hard – β—‡



    β™‘ Just because We DisAgree doesn’t mean the Other is Lying because We ARE ALL πŸ’― Capable of Agree-To-Disagree ergo a Liar who Admits to Lying is Telling The Truth but Lying at The Same Time as They Remain a Liar; the Key is NOT!!! to Lie to YOURSELF!!! as The Only One Constant is Change and Lying is a Futile Attempt to Keep Things The Same…when a Liar is Found Out They Often Break Down in Tears (maybe Crocodile); yet it’s Gives Them an Opportunity to Truly Transform

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🀭🀫🀐



    β—‡ – Diamond Hard – β—‡

    β™‘ Only YOU!!! Decide what Successful Means to YOU!!!
    ♀ How YOU!!! Succeed is Entirely Up to YOU!!!
    ♧ Clubbing – If Others Belittle YOUR!!! Successes YOU!!! ARE PERFECTLY ENTITLED!!! and Welcome to Tell THEM!!! to VERY KINDLY FUCK OFF!!! – Clubbing

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🀭🀫🀐

    β—‡ – Diamond Hard – β—‡


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    1. Yes I agree with you but I have a thought will it not be helpful and a step to change the world while conditioning expected mommies to not introduce few feelings and emotions related to fear of different kinds in the life of their kids…I am working on the process to give different approach to the expected parents and conditioned their old limited beliefs… because if we want a happy world filled with love and laughter we need to show a different perspective to gardener(mother)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. β™‘ I Agree with YOU!!! in My Lack of Parent Experience; so My Suggestion is Speak to GrandParents who ARE Given a Second Chance with GrandChildren and Very Roundly Scolded by Their First Kids πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ™‚


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