Why most people fail in life and very few who succeed? If we do analysis of world’s population, we have countable success stories but failure stories are uncountable….This is myth not true at all, if you re analyse your statement you will come to know, SUCCESS stories too have come from failures and difference is one…. success stories overcome number of failures and failure stories just 1 or 2 failure. The more failures, more we are near to our success understand this golden truth and celebrate all failures with full energy because every failure is a universe message to you that you succeed in unlocking one door to your opportunity. Success only comes with discomfort and it can’t be handed over to someone, it can’t be steal from anyone because it comes with persistence and believe in oneself. Great Thomas Edison failed 10000 times in his invention before receiving his first success, how many times you failed if you want to witness your incredible success…I attended one seminar few days back which says why to invent a wheel and waste energy if someone already invented a wheel we should keep rolling on that wheel, which contradicts my understanding about success we can learn from others failures and avoid those but no success can be achieved without failures, if you have a dream of your success then you must have your failures. If you have a dream of success than you should be fasten your seat belts to failure journey, because thats the only route to destination success. I live in a democratic country, which means Government for/of/by the people, one can’t decide the government it’s people who collectively decide in the same way one failure/attempt can’t decide anything,… more failures, more you near to your success. Celebrate and embrace all your failures because every failure brings an opportunity to success and signal that change your method .


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